Monday, August 13, 2012

Mousescrapper Minnie Marathon

This weekend was AWESOME!  I participated in 9 Speed Scraps (creating a scrapbook page LO, or layout, based off of rules set up by a moderator in a certain quick turn-around).  They started Saturday morning at 7 am and I went until 9 pm (with a small break in between for a cute 2 yo monster birthday party).  Then Sunday, starting again at 7 and going until late once again.
Eight of these LOs were part of the Mousescrappers Minnie Marathon.  For each LO that I created in the appropriate time limit, I received a Disney-themed digital gift from one of the awesome designers.  Then, when you complete at 8 by this morning, you receive an even bigger Disney "Goodie Bag" full from all the designers.  As an added bonus, if you were in the chat rooms with each Speed Scrap, a lot of the designers would give out discount codes to their stores or even gifts.
It was SO much fun, and my hubby was so good about me being glued to the computer all weekend.
Here are the pages that I completed:

It feels so great to have gotten this many pages done for my Disneyland Album.  I even did a 2-page spread of the one of Luigi and I was able to work within the rules to make my page of Stanley (the Founder) match the one of his sweetie, Lizzie's store.

Haven't done it before?  Now is the time.  Jump in the next time and give it a try. You have nothing to loose!!

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